Title: Pleasure
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 51 x 51 cm
Description: Window to the life that gives you pleasure, and an opportunity to do what you really want, and generate creative ideas. Orange is associated with the Sacral Chakra.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 51 x 51 cm
Description: Window to the life that gives you pleasure, and an opportunity to do what you really want, and generate creative ideas. Orange is associated with the Sacral Chakra.
Title: Action
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £150
Size: 30×81 cm
Description: Gives you energy to take action.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £150
Size: 30×81 cm
Description: Gives you energy to take action.
Title: Love
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £150
Size: 30×81 cm
Description: The Heart Chakra colour is primarily linked to love, both for oneself and for others.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £150
Size: 30×81 cm
Description: The Heart Chakra colour is primarily linked to love, both for oneself and for others.
Title: Divine
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £150
Size: 30×81 cm
Description: Connection to the divine or universal energy.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £150
Size: 30×81 cm
Description: Connection to the divine or universal energy.
Title: Trust
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 42×59 cm
Description: Trust yourself and trust the universe.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 42×59 cm
Description: Trust yourself and trust the universe.
Title: Talker
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £200
Size: 51 x 51 cm
Description: Window to express yourself through communication. Gives the opportunity to convey your ideas.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £200
Size: 51 x 51 cm
Description: Window to express yourself through communication. Gives the opportunity to convey your ideas.
Title: Mindset
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £210
Size: 59×42 cm
Description: Your thoughts are your power. Use them to manifest your desires.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £210
Size: 59×42 cm
Description: Your thoughts are your power. Use them to manifest your desires.
Title: Decision
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £115
Size: 30×40 cm
Description: Power to make decisions by using the yellow solar plexus chakra.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £115
Size: 30×40 cm
Description: Power to make decisions by using the yellow solar plexus chakra.
Title: Warmth
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61×76 cm
Description: Warm energy to reenergise you.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61×76 cm
Description: Warm energy to reenergise you.
Title: Window
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £200
Size: 46×46 cm
Description: Believe in dreams becoming reality.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £200
Size: 46×46 cm
Description: Believe in dreams becoming reality.
Title: Aries energy
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £500
Size: 91 x 121 cm
Description: Arians are ruled by Mars the planet of action and motivation. They are bold with a fiery energy and are eager to lead. The red hues symbolize energy and drive, while the hints of blue remind Aries to embrace moments of calm and encourages them to take bold steps whilst also knowing when to take pause.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £500
Size: 91 x 121 cm
Description: Arians are ruled by Mars the planet of action and motivation. They are bold with a fiery energy and are eager to lead. The red hues symbolize energy and drive, while the hints of blue remind Aries to embrace moments of calm and encourages them to take bold steps whilst also knowing when to take pause.
Title: Taurus energy
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 51 x 76 cm
Description: Taureans thrive on stability and comfort. They are grounded in earth energy and love the green hues of nature. The warm browns and gold evoke a sense of security. Venus, their ruler, brings forth love and creativity and reflects a desire for stability and the pursuit of comfort.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 51 x 76 cm
Description: Taureans thrive on stability and comfort. They are grounded in earth energy and love the green hues of nature. The warm browns and gold evoke a sense of security. Venus, their ruler, brings forth love and creativity and reflects a desire for stability and the pursuit of comfort.
Title: Gemini energy
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61 x 76 cm
Description: Geminians are sociable and curious. Their airy energy fuels a thirst for knowledge and communication whilst their ruler, Mercury, makes them highly adaptable and gives them the ability to absorb and process information. Light blues inspire a breezy approach to life, urging flexibility and an ease in social interactions.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61 x 76 cm
Description: Geminians are sociable and curious. Their airy energy fuels a thirst for knowledge and communication whilst their ruler, Mercury, makes them highly adaptable and gives them the ability to absorb and process information. Light blues inspire a breezy approach to life, urging flexibility and an ease in social interactions.
Title: Cancer energy
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61 x 81 cm
Description: Cancerians are emotional and nurturing. Their water energy fosters their sensitivity and depth whilst the Moon’s influence brings fluctuating moods. White shades evoke a sense of emotional security, precipitating flexibility and fluidity like water.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61 x 81 cm
Description: Cancerians are emotional and nurturing. Their water energy fosters their sensitivity and depth whilst the Moon’s influence brings fluctuating moods. White shades evoke a sense of emotional security, precipitating flexibility and fluidity like water.
Title: Leo energy
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 60 x 60 cm
Description: Leos are proud and generous. Their fire energy ignites a desire for self-expression and the Sun’s influence radiates physical energy. Golden hues symbolize regal presence and leadership, encouraging them to embracing their creativity and command attention.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 60 x 60 cm
Description: Leos are proud and generous. Their fire energy ignites a desire for self-expression and the Sun’s influence radiates physical energy. Golden hues symbolize regal presence and leadership, encouraging them to embracing their creativity and command attention.
Title: Virgo energy
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61 x 81 cm
Description: Virgoans are practical and detail-oriented. Grounded in earth energy, they seek order and perfection. Their ruler, Mercury, inspires logic and meticulous planning. Bright colours highlight the importance of attention to detail and the beauty of life around them, finding the beauty in simplicity.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61 x 81 cm
Description: Virgoans are practical and detail-oriented. Grounded in earth energy, they seek order and perfection. Their ruler, Mercury, inspires logic and meticulous planning. Bright colours highlight the importance of attention to detail and the beauty of life around them, finding the beauty in simplicity.
Title: Libra energy
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61 x 61 cm
Description: Librans are diplomatic and harmonious. Their air energy fosters balance and grace and their ruler, Venus, brings them an appreciation for beauty and the aesthetics. Blue tones symbolize peace and diplomacy, encouraging them to find harmony in all aspects of their life.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61 x 61 cm
Description: Librans are diplomatic and harmonious. Their air energy fosters balance and grace and their ruler, Venus, brings them an appreciation for beauty and the aesthetics. Blue tones symbolize peace and diplomacy, encouraging them to find harmony in all aspects of their life.
Title: Scorpio energy
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 56 x 81 cm
Description: Scorpions are mystical and intense. Their water energy delves into the depths of their emotions. Their ruler, Pluto, signifies transformation, power and continual stages of change. Green hues evoke mystery and depth, urging introspection and resilience.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 56 x 81 cm
Description: Scorpions are mystical and intense. Their water energy delves into the depths of their emotions. Their ruler, Pluto, signifies transformation, power and continual stages of change. Green hues evoke mystery and depth, urging introspection and resilience.
Title: Sagittarius energy
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61 x 81 cm
Description: Sagitarrians are energetic and adventurous. Their fire energy fuels a desire for exploration. Their planet, Jupiter, brings them luck and optimism. Yellow hues symbolize positivity and the blues remind them to stay grounded whilst encouraging and embracing new experiences with focus and optimism.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61 x 81 cm
Description: Sagitarrians are energetic and adventurous. Their fire energy fuels a desire for exploration. Their planet, Jupiter, brings them luck and optimism. Yellow hues symbolize positivity and the blues remind them to stay grounded whilst encouraging and embracing new experiences with focus and optimism.
Title: Capricorn energy
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 51 x 76 cm
Description: Capricorns are organized and ambitious. Their earth energy seeks structure and success whilst their ruler, Saturn, emphasises discipline and control. Gold frames symbolize status whilst the light lines in the middle represent the balance between structure and freedom.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 51 x 76 cm
Description: Capricorns are organized and ambitious. Their earth energy seeks structure and success whilst their ruler, Saturn, emphasises discipline and control. Gold frames symbolize status whilst the light lines in the middle represent the balance between structure and freedom.
Title: Aquarius energy
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 70 x 100 cm
Description: Aquarians are innovative and communicative. Their air energy fosters creativity and independence whilst their ruler, Uranus, steers them towards technology and innovation. Blue tones represent communication, whereas frames symbolize strategy, encourages creative communication and idea generation.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 70 x 100 cm
Description: Aquarians are innovative and communicative. Their air energy fosters creativity and independence whilst their ruler, Uranus, steers them towards technology and innovation. Blue tones represent communication, whereas frames symbolize strategy, encourages creative communication and idea generation.
Title: Pisces energy
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £300
Size: 121 x 91 cm
Description: Pisceans are intuitive and compassionate. Their water energy embodies wisdom and empathy whilst the influence of their ruler, Neptune, brings spirituality and intuition. The eye symbolizes inner vision and insight, encouraging and embracing intuition and connecting with a higher wisdom.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £300
Size: 121 x 91 cm
Description: Pisceans are intuitive and compassionate. Their water energy embodies wisdom and empathy whilst the influence of their ruler, Neptune, brings spirituality and intuition. The eye symbolizes inner vision and insight, encouraging and embracing intuition and connecting with a higher wisdom.
Title: Window of Energy Flow
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £400
Size: 61×76 cm
Description: This window gives you the energy level you need to approach success through right communication and self-expression. Just come towards the painting and take it.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £400
Size: 61×76 cm
Description: This window gives you the energy level you need to approach success through right communication and self-expression. Just come towards the painting and take it.
Title: Origin
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £350
Size: 100×100 cm
Description: Revival of New Energy. Based on the old, a new energy is born. The origin and transformation of energy are unfolding. New colours emerge, altering your vision and attitude. Embrace new beginnings and moments of happiness that are approaching you.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £350
Size: 100×100 cm
Description: Revival of New Energy. Based on the old, a new energy is born. The origin and transformation of energy are unfolding. New colours emerge, altering your vision and attitude. Embrace new beginnings and moments of happiness that are approaching you.
Title: Window to the brightest life
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Window to the brightest life. Look how bright and colourful it could be.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Window to the brightest life. Look how bright and colourful it could be.
Title: Window to the hope and faith
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £220
Size: 60×90 cm
Description: Window to the hope and faith. On hope and faith, many great things were built.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £220
Size: 60×90 cm
Description: Window to the hope and faith. On hope and faith, many great things were built.
Title: Doors
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £200
Size: 61×81 cm
Description: Seize opportunities and recognise them.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £200
Size: 61×81 cm
Description: Seize opportunities and recognise them.
Title: Doors
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £300
Size: 91×121 cm
Description: Recognising the opportunities we can take. This abstract painting portrays a collection of symbolic doors, each representing potential opportunities waiting to be seized. The artwork invites viewers to recognize the possibilities they can explore and take advantage of.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £300
Size: 91×121 cm
Description: Recognising the opportunities we can take. This abstract painting portrays a collection of symbolic doors, each representing potential opportunities waiting to be seized. The artwork invites viewers to recognize the possibilities they can explore and take advantage of.
Title: Doors
Medium: Print on Canvas 1 of 2
Price: £35
Size: 51×76 cm
Medium: Print on Canvas 1 of 2
Price: £35
Size: 51×76 cm
Title: Rebirth
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas in frame
Price: £250
Size: 52×72 cm
Description: This painting represents the contrasting perspectives of light and dark. In this artwork, light pierces through the darkness and expands in size, symbolizing that within every individual’s life, there exist both moments of brightness and moments of darkness. Without darkness, you cannot appreciate the light, and without light, you can’t perceive darkness. The colors convey the feeling of a brighter life. This piece signifies the process of transformation. The painting offers the viewer inspiration to harness the power of transformation and make choices that lead to a brighter and better life. It encourages individuals to actively pursue the qualities they desire, allowing them to shape their own reality. The message it conveys is that one can choose to begin anew, grow, and build themselves up to make significant progress in their life journey. It’s a call to fight for the life they wish to lead and make decisions that align with their aspirations.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas in frame
Price: £250
Size: 52×72 cm
Description: This painting represents the contrasting perspectives of light and dark. In this artwork, light pierces through the darkness and expands in size, symbolizing that within every individual’s life, there exist both moments of brightness and moments of darkness. Without darkness, you cannot appreciate the light, and without light, you can’t perceive darkness. The colors convey the feeling of a brighter life. This piece signifies the process of transformation. The painting offers the viewer inspiration to harness the power of transformation and make choices that lead to a brighter and better life. It encourages individuals to actively pursue the qualities they desire, allowing them to shape their own reality. The message it conveys is that one can choose to begin anew, grow, and build themselves up to make significant progress in their life journey. It’s a call to fight for the life they wish to lead and make decisions that align with their aspirations.
Title: Light
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £350
Size: 81 x 61 cm
Description: Healing power of light.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £350
Size: 81 x 61 cm
Description: Healing power of light.
Title: Paths
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £300
Size: 91×121 cm
Description: Paths explores the different journeys of each person’s life.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £300
Size: 91×121 cm
Description: Paths explores the different journeys of each person’s life.
Title: Sunset
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61 x 61 cm
Description: Art Piece Commission.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £230
Size: 61 x 61 cm
Description: Art Piece Commission.
Title: Tree of Life
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £220
Size: 60×90 cm
Description: The connection between spiritual and physical worlds.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £220
Size: 60×90 cm
Description: The connection between spiritual and physical worlds.
Title: The Rain
Medium: Print on Canvas 1 of 2
Price: £35
Size: 51×76 cm
Medium: Print on Canvas 1 of 2
Price: £35
Size: 51×76 cm
Title: Tree
Medium: Print on Canvas 1 of 2
Price: £35
Size: 51×76 cm
Description: Remembering our roots, our foundations.
Medium: Print on Canvas 1 of 2
Price: £35
Size: 51×76 cm
Description: Remembering our roots, our foundations.
Title: Tree of Life
Medium: Print on Canvas 1 of 1
Price: £35
Size: 51×76 cm
Description: Remembering our roots, our foundations.
Medium: Print on Canvas 1 of 1
Price: £35
Size: 51×76 cm
Description: Remembering our roots, our foundations.
Title: Pisces
Medium: Print on Canvas 1 of 1
Price: £35
Size: 40×40 cm
Description: Zodiac sign.
Medium: Print on Canvas 1 of 1
Price: £35
Size: 40×40 cm
Description: Zodiac sign.
Title: Flowers of Life
Medium: Print 2 of 4
Price: £35
Size: A3
Description: Inspires and radiates positive energy.
Medium: Print 2 of 4
Price: £35
Size: A3
Description: Inspires and radiates positive energy.
Title: Wave
Medium: Print on Canvas 1 of 1
Price: £35
Medium: Print on Canvas 1 of 1
Price: £35
Title: Flowers of Life
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas in frame
Price: £280
Size: 61×76 cm
Description: Inspires and radiates positive energy. The colours make you feel alive and encourage positive thinking, bringing lively energy to propel you towards your happiest life.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas in frame
Price: £280
Size: 61×76 cm
Description: Inspires and radiates positive energy. The colours make you feel alive and encourage positive thinking, bringing lively energy to propel you towards your happiest life.
Title: Spiral
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: The cycles in our lives.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: The cycles in our lives.
Title: Another Planet
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: Looking at ourselves from the outside.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: Looking at ourselves from the outside.
Title: Leo
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Zodiac Sign
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Zodiac Sign
Title: Rhythm Number
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas in frame
Price: £280
Size: 61×76 cm
Description: Finding the right rhythm for yourself to balance your life.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas in frame
Price: £280
Size: 61×76 cm
Description: Finding the right rhythm for yourself to balance your life.
Title: Dancer
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: Dancing to whatever life brings you.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: Dancing to whatever life brings you.
Title: Wave
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: Seize the moment with the right people, in the right place, and with the right energy. Be on a wave; catch this moment to express yourself.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: Seize the moment with the right people, in the right place, and with the right energy. Be on a wave; catch this moment to express yourself.
Title: Aura
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas in frame
Price: £350
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: Energy Field.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas in frame
Price: £350
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: Energy Field.
Title: Tree
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: Remembering our roots, our foundations.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: Remembering our roots, our foundations.
Title: Hand
Medium: Mixed media on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Universal sign of protection, power, and strength.
Medium: Mixed media on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Universal sign of protection, power, and strength.
Title: Balancing Rocks
Medium: Mixed media on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: Keeping the balance i life.
Medium: Mixed media on Canvas
Price: £250
Size: 81×101 cm
Description: Keeping the balance i life.
Title: Chakra
Medium: Mixed media on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Crown Chakra.
Medium: Mixed media on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Crown Chakra.
Title: Rabbit
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £180
Size: 76×61 cm
Description: 2023 is a Year of the Water Rabbit.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £180
Size: 76×61 cm
Description: 2023 is a Year of the Water Rabbit.
Title: Life paths
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas in frame
Price: £280
Size: 61×76 cm
Description: The path through life determined by decisions and choices you make.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas in frame
Price: £280
Size: 61×76 cm
Description: The path through life determined by decisions and choices you make.
Title: Pisces
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas in frame
Price: £180
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Zodiac sign.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas in frame
Price: £180
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Zodiac sign.
Title: Pisces
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Zodiac sign.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Zodiac sign.
Title: Canser
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Zodiac sign.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: Zodiac sign.
Title: Natal Chart
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £60
Size: A 3
Description: A Horoscope Painting.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price: £60
Size: A 3
Description: A Horoscope Painting.
Title: Natal Chart
Medium: Mixed media on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: A Horoscope painting.
Medium: Mixed media on Canvas
Price: £100
Size: 50×50 cm
Description: A Horoscope painting.